fresh blueberry and
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sibipro system
*average daily cost per user
At YePP we say it’s the link between ‘perception
and reality’.
YePP’s sibisystem is the world’s
most advanced, fully-integrated rowing solution, and it’s been designed from-the-water-up
specifically for rowing.
sibisystem comprises:
Multiple, high-speed sibi
cameras - each featuring
sibi’s patented, dual-lens
capture, and all perfectly synchronised to within millionth’s of a second;
Coach and Crew Comunications - via the sibibridge
and capable of delivering real-time telemetry over practical distances;
Connection to the YePPcloud via sibi’s
purpose built, switched sibihub - providing
a fast and simple means to store and distribute your data to anyone, anywhere in
the World, and all securely managed within YePP’s hierachical premission structure;
A suite of integrated sibisoftware modules
- providing as much benefit to your on-water performance, as they do to your programme’s
day-to-day management.
sibi - see it believe it